Harry Potter Mini Reviews #Series ....

1....Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

 "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is a red-blooded adventure movie, dripping with atmosphere, filled with the gruesome and the sublime, and surprisingly faithful to the novel. A lot of things could have gone wrong, and none of them have: Chris Columbus' movie is an enchanting classic that does full justice to a story that was a daunting challenge. The novel by J.K. Rowling was muscular and vivid, and the danger was that the movie would make things too cute and cuddly. It doesn't. Like an "Indiana Jones" for younger viewers, it tells a rip-roaring tale of supernatural adventure, where colorful and eccentric characters alternate with scary stuff like a three-headed dog, a pit of tendrils known as the Devil's Snare and a two-faced immortal who drinks unicorn blood. Scary, yes, but not too scary--just scary enough.

2..Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
In this sequel to the phenomenally popular Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry returns to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his second year after a miserable summer with his Muggle (nonmagical) relatives. Once again, Harry’s school experiences are colored by encounters with genial ghosts and antagonistic teachers, by the rivalry between good-guy Gryffindor House and slimy Slytherin House, and by an ominous mystery to be solved involving Harry’s archenemy, the dark sorcerer Lord Voldemort. Once again, the attraction of Rowling’s traditional British school story is magnified tenfold by the fantasy elements superimposed upon it. 

3....Harry Potter and Prison of Azkban:-

This part began with Harry 's 3rd year if school and he comes to know about prisoner,Sirius Black who is prisoner of Azkaban.

-Major task:-
Main task of Harry is to know about Sirius Black . He is a good friend of Harry nad Godfather of him.

-Harry's Role:-
Harry become more vengeful and kill Sirius but he doesn't know reality. The effect of dark side of Voldemort in Harry ,starts to show it's power.Harry faces dementors and creatures.

-Ron and Hermione:-
In this part Ron was on bed and not able to anything. Hermione handle the situation and help Harry. They leads to the past by the time runner and know the reality. They saved Sirius from dementors.

4...harry potter and goblet of fire 

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is about a boy called Harry who is a wizard and goes to a school called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

This is the fourth book of the Harry Potter series, I have read all of them up to four, and a quarter of the fifth. I have read this one three times (maybe two and a half). I love Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire so much I read it in every second of spare time I've had, even at school! In this book the Triwizard Tournament is held at Hogwarts. The Triwizard Tournament is a competition between three wizarding schools, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang and Hogwarts. It is a competition involving three unknown tasks. Though you have to be 17 or over to enter, someone put Harry's name in the goblet and he ends up competing. Could the whole tournament be a trap?
This book was amazing. The characters are interesting and some are funny. Some of my favourites are Hermione, Hagrid and Dobby the house-elf. I like Hermione because she is smart, but not full of herself. Hagrid is friendly, even if he is huge. He is like a father to Harry, because Harry does not have one. Dobby is funny, sometimes a little crazy, and he always wants to help. He is a good friend to Harry, Ron and Hermione.
5.. order of phoneix

The fifth installment in the Harry Potter series sees Harry in his fifth year of Hogwarts; his hardest year yet. It's the end of the summer holidays and after a confrontation with Dudley Dursley and his little gang both Dudley and Harry are attacked by a Dementor, forcing Harry to use a Patronus charm. The Ministry of Magic are quick to charge Harry with the crime of 'underage magic' and it is only with Dumbledore's help and that of the Dursley's neighbour, who is infact a squib (a witch or wizard of pure blood who has no magic ability) and has been looking out for Harry all these years that sees the Ministry clearing Harry of all charges as his hearing.
Presiding at the hearing is Dolores Umbridge an official of the Ministry who is soon ensconced into Hogwarts as the new teacher of dark arts, however, it becomes clear that not only is she there to teach; Ministry approved theory of the subject only, she is there to spy on behalf of the Ministry who continue a smear campaign against Harry, discrediting his pronouncement that Vodemort has returned once more. It soon becomes clear that for all her twee pink cardigans and pictures of fluffy kittens there is nothing cuddly about Dolores. Harry and his friends decide to form 'Dumbledores Army' and meet in the Room of Requirement in order to practice and teach one another defensive spells. It is when this group is discovered that Dumbledore, in order to protect his pupils, takes full blame and then has to flee from the Ministry's clutches, leaving Dolores Umbridge installed as the new Headteacher of Hogwarts. Meanwhile, Voldemort continues to gather more power, and his Death Eaters, to him and Harry's dream link becomes ever stronger. In an attempt to block this Severes Snape tries to teach a method to keep these visions at bay, however, this results in Harry seeing something from Severes' past that both of them wish he hadn't. Unable to control this link, Harry and Dumbledores Army are drawn to the Ministry in order to help Harry's god father, Sirius Black, who Harry has seen being tortoured in a vision by Voldemort, but he is not sure if it isn't a trap and Voldemort has also realised that he and Harry share this connection. There are battles fought and there is a death that Harry cannot prevent happening that shocks everyone. With the Ministry no longer able to keep the news of Voldemorts return a secret both Harry and Dumbledore are exonerated.

6....Half_Blood Prince ...

This sixth Harry Potter will wow the series’ many fans — Rowling delivers the likable characters and thrilling situations that have made the series so popular, handily weaving in plots begun in earlier books and returning to comic staples of wizard school life while providing fresh novelties. Connoisseurs will note that Rowling’s real attention is focused on setting up Harry’s final showdown with Lord Voldemort: Dumbledore’s private Pensieve tutorials with Harry, in which the two sift through various characters’ memories about the Dark Lord’s history, searching for the means to defeat him, are the main thrust of the book but will pay off fully only in the last volume. Even so, there’s plenty of engaging mystery and suspense here: the title character, the Half-Blood Prince, occluded for most of the book as merely the author of some helpful notes in Harry’s potions text, bursts into startling prominence by the end. Harry himself, grown more independent, decisive, and “fanciable,” comes of age, committing himself by his own choice to defeating Voldemort and accepting that former protectors like his parents and Dumbledore (and even the Dursleys) no longer stand between him and danger. Old animosities against Snape, now the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher (whose twisted loyalties become even more opaque), and Draco Malfoy, the newest Death Eater recruit, continue unabated and crescendo into an epochal betrayal at the close, brilliantly conjured by Rowling.

7..Deathly Hallows ...

At the end of Book 6, Harry found out that he must kill Voldemort and that, before he can be killed, the Horcruxes in which the Dark Lord has hidden pieces of his soul must be found and destroyed. Neither is an easy task -- they are hidden geographically, protected by enchantments, and cannot be destroyed by ordinary magical means. While trying to solve these mysteries, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are on the run and fighting for survival. The Death Eaters have taken over the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts, put a price on Harry's head, and set up a variety of magical traps for them. Nothing is safe, no one can be trusted, and they have no idea how to even begin accomplishing their tasks.

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