Thursday 10 May 2018

Figures of speech ..... Part 1.......

Figures of Speech

1. Simile". 
The word "Simile" comes from the Latin 'similis'- like and means 'likeness'.A simile is an expression of likeness between different objects or events. It consists in placing two different things side by side and comparing them with regard to some quality common to them. In other words there are two essential elements in a simile. First, the two objects or events compared must be different in kind.Secondly, the, point of resemblance between the two different objects or events compared must be clearly brought out. Such words of comparison as ,like ,as,so ,etc ., are always used .For example:

A) Errors like straws upon the surface flow.

B) The younger brother is as good as gold.

2) Epic Or Homeric Simile:
It is so called because it was first used by Homer,the great epic poet of ancient Greece, and ever since it has been made use of by epic poets all over the world. It is also called the long tailed simile because in it the comparison is not confined to some one quality but a number of qualities are compared and the comparison is elaborated and spread over a number of lines. Homeric simile imparts variety to the narrative and helps the poets to lengthen it out.Milton in his Paradise Lost and Pope in his mock -epic. The Rape of the Lock have made abundent use of such Homeric similes. For example:

The broad circumference (of the shield of Satan)
Hung on his shoulders like the Moon,whose orb
Through optic glass the Tuscan artist views, etc.

3). Metaphor
A metaphor is implied simile. The word "metaphor" comes from the Greek, 'meta-over; 'phero'-carry. It means. Literally,"a carrying over"; and by this figure of speech a word is transferred, or carried over, from the object to which it belongs to another in such a manner that a comparison is implied, though not clearly stated. Thus a metaphor is a compressed, or implied simile- simile with the word 'like ', as ' etc.,omitted. For example
A) The camel is the ship of the desert.
B) He is the Pillar of the state.

4). Personification:
Personification is really a special kind of metaphor. It is a figure of speech in which inanimate objects and abstracts ideas or qualities are spoken of, as if they were persons or human beings. Examples of personification are:

A) Opportunity knocks at the door but once. 
B) Death lays his Icy hands on kings.
C)" peace hath her victories.
No less renowned than war".
In all these instances, life and intelligence have been imparted to lifeless objects or abstract ideas.

5) Pathetic Fallacy
Pathetic Fallacy is a figure of speech in which human emotions are given to lifeless objects and abstract ideas. It is a special kind of personification in which the inanimate, the lifeless, and the abstract, are made to partake of human emotions. For example:
All Nature wept at his death, and the flower were filled with tears.
It is usual to begin the name of the personifed object with a capital letter.

6) Apostrophe:
It is a figure of speech in which abstract ideas or inanimate objects are addressed as if they were alive. The word literally means a ' turning aside' ,for in this figure a writer' turns aside' to address a person absent or dead, or an inanimate object,or an abstract idea, For example:

A) "O wild west wind, thou breath of Autumn's being".
B) "O Solitude, where are the charms
That sages have seen in they face?"

7). Hyperbole:
The word "hyperbole"( "Hyper"- beyond; ballo"- throw)literally, "a throwing beyond". Means exaggeration. This figure of speech consists in representing things as much greater or smaller than they really are, with the intention of producing a more striking effect than a plain statement can. For example:

A) "Here is the smell of blood, still;all perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand".

8).Metonymy :
The word "metaonymy",Greek, 'meta'- after; 'onoma'- a name, means literally, substitution of name",and the figure consists in " substituting the thing named for the thing meant" for example, grey hair may be used for old age, throne for monarchy.Some other examples are:

A) The pen (author) is mighter than the sword( the solider)
B) " Sceptre and crown.
Must tumble down,

And in the dust be equal made
With the poor crooked scythe and spade."

Alliteration consists in the repetition of the letters or syllable or the same sound at the beginning of two or more words in a line. In this way language becomes musical. For example.
A) How high His Honour holds his haughty head.
B) "The fair breeze blew, the white form flew, the furrow followed free."

10) Irony
It is a figure of speech in which the real meaning is just the opposite of that which is literally conveyed by the language used. For example.

Here under leave of Brutus,and the rest,
( For Brutus is an honorable man)
Here the use of the word ,honorable is ironical.

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