Monday 21 May 2018

What is literature for me .............20.5.18

What is literature for me .....

One of my bestie  , my buddy meet me after 10 years and suddenly we are in war on what is the purpose you are studies in english literature.............

So here I'm answering that ... Is here .....

In my case, literature is a kind of revenge. It's something that gives me what real life can't give me - all the adventures, all the suffering. All the experiences I can only live in the imagination, literature completes.”

Mario Vargas Llosa

Through English language and literature, we interpret history and engage with philosophical ideas and social issues. We learn to appreciate the expressive range of language and literary forms, and we develop critical faculties. English fosters an awareness of the ways that particular institutions and social values are questioned, or given added legitimacy, through linguistic and literary conventions and representations. The close examination of language and literature helps to expose the ways in which ideas of race, gender, and ethnicity are socially constructed. The study of English, therefore, helps to make us more self-reflective about the political and social implications of stereotypes and other linguistic and literary structures.

English graduates will take an analytical view of the culture that surrounds us. They will have gained critical skills in close reading, an ability to analyse a wide range of texts, and the research skills necessary for independent enquiry. They will have become sensitive to the emotive impact of language and to the ways in which the production and reception of literature varies within different social and cultural contexts.

While there’s more to an English literature degree than reading hefty tomes until your eyes go square, it’s fair to say that reading and analyzing written works is likely to be pretty central to your studies. During an English literature degree, students scrutinize and debate a variety of texts, as well as acquiring knowledge of literary movements, periods and critical approaches that have shaped the way we view literature today.
For me Literature is something very challenging which daily rises with new questions duringdawn and sets with new answers during dusk.
I am studying Literature since five years but still I am unable to find mine own apt definition for Literature. Whenever I think I have got an apt definition then again Literature unfolds in itself in a new way infront of me.
Everyone have their definition of their own and so do I have. For me Literature is like a Marigold flower with end number of petals in it and also it has got an essence like the flower has of its own. It also acts like a guiding light for the new generation of people to get well-accustomed with their roots without believing different types of interpretations. Now I read Literature to challenge the age- old beliefs of people and to bring out new definitions of it.

Literature always welcomes both criticizers as well as supporters; I prefer to find out for myself what I want to be rather than walking on the trodden path which people have traveled from the ages.
So at the last i can say that my first love is music but literature is my heartbeat .................


Thanks .....

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