Wednesday 1 August 2018

Meeting with RJ AKASH ..... 1.8.2018

Today 1.8.2018 The 1st day of August and I fill tired and a little bit Lazy also . But when in our recess time me and my friends plane to go outside for having fun and lunch . There is some persons we don't know who they are and they talking with my other friends so, we are also join the talk and they are asking such question like which Music channel you like the most and in which radio you like to hear music who is your favorite singer and all such question s so for that as per all persons test of love for movie and music they gave answer and suddenly i saja one person at a tien i fill like I think he is RJ AKASH I comferm my self twice and than I shout wowwwww RJ AKASH !!!  At that time he is also happy to see that one shouting his name because ut happens is that I know hij betere than my friends because they know him by name but I'm following him on insta i like his motivational videos , posts ,live on insta .. so, for that I like to hear him time and again in a mild way he taut a lot things ."He  is# rj @at Rajkot and suddenly he planed to came to bhavnagar" this but the real happyness is I'm egarly waiting to meet him a guy who is to kind and motivates youth and many things which I like the most ...... So , i also tell him when I met him that I have no words but so so much tnx to come here and meet us .... We clicked couple of pics with him ... Generally people get hopeful after being or i can say at the top of the achievement but here i fill that and also noticed that akash air didn't get hopeful from others and he is so happy to meeting with the general people . Generally after getting one positions people fill like they are now something and so on things but I can say that he is very kind and gental and meet to simple people's and  they like to meet normal people ... Here i what to add one video like which he shared recently this time before I m posting this blog on the meeting with him... 

So , Click Here... to see that video . Video is about sited on Nishkalank mahadev ...

A very big tnx to my dear friend zankhana matholiya for this fabulous pic It will never be onder it will never goes from the bottom of my heart ..... 

Thank you Sooo muchhh .....!!! 

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