Tuesday 21 August 2018

How students should be and Teacher Should be ... (Task by vaidehi ma'am ... ) Ramadial Classes ....

How students should be and Teacher Should be ... (Task by vaidehi ma'am ... ) Ramadial Classes .... 

The qualities of a good teacher are endless but a few that really seems to work for   me include these listed here !

other than this qualities or i can say teachers effect on their student in different ways ..... Is here given below it ..... 

Respect your students . Kids what tp respect you and when you show respect for them by having them just and fair service they will respect you . Allow them to their own feelings , beliefs and values but hold them accountable to treat you and watch of their with positive moral behaviour ...

Challenge them academically , f students they act out ,even for students who don't think they want to be a part of a class activity they , usually do we all want acceptance ... 

Characteristics of teacher ...... 

Friendliness and congenially .. 

With the help of this characteristics i can say that teacher should be friendly with their children . 

It is plus if his /her student can share their problems with hin , without being afraid or hesitate i think student have as their enemies ...

Deep knowledge and a great education ....

 "A teacher is only a good as his knowledge .. "

Teacher who never going to make a name for himself . So , sign up with only that subjects which you have really good expertise ,and it is a moral duty too! 

Otherwise , it is not worth it ..

 A good communicator .. 

Very important characteristics in his communication skills . He should be a very good speaker  this characteristics will provide benefits . In several ways for exams . 

For example ..... 1.. if his communication skills ate good , he can convey his lectures with better skills and results .

2. If he is good teacher , his class stegth increases automatically . People love to her a person who he can speak well enough .

A good sense of humour ... 

They also have the quality . 

It is also logical fact that a person . Generally teacher the text generation and as they are expected to have more fun in the class too! So ,  with this i can say that they can also maintain the discipline of the class .

How  a students should be .......

Characteristics of the students ......


Attending a graduate school program frequently requires a lot of flexibility. Can you work, take care of family obligations and find time to study? An online program helps, as you can make your own hours, but those hours may change depending on your day-to-day tasks. You’ll need to apply your learning style to different situations and flexibility will go a long way in ensuring your success in a graduate school program.


Optimism is a foundational characteristic of a successful student attending a graduate school. When attending a graduate school, part of one’s success relies on one’s expectations. If a student is certain she’ll succeed, then she will put in her best effort into everything that she does. Positive thinking really does work wonders!


Anyone who is even thinking of enrolling in a graduate school program is motivated, but it is essential for a student to maintain her motivation. This is especially important for students attending an online graduate school, since contact with classmates and professors require self-discipline and the ability to ask questions as needed.


Organization means the difference between an enjoyable experience in a graduate school program and a stressful one. The successful student has a consistent, effective system of organization that includes her time, materials and money. This helps her anticipate obstacles and plan ahead to overcome them. The organized student ensures she can always effectively respond to any demand made of her. Keep important papers in one place, maintain a task and assignment calendar, think about contingency plans if a computer needs a tune-up, and how to get answers if an assignment seems unclear.


A connected student has:

  • A good Internet connection.
  • A reliable computer.

It might seem obvious that a successful online student is connected, but Internet access and a reliable computer really can’t be taken for granted. An unconnected student will routinely find she is unable to complete her assignments or attend online graduate school classes because of technical difficulties. Anyone attending an online graduate school should count her computer among her best tool for success.


The final–and most important–characteristic of a successful graduate school student is support. It can be challenging to complete an education graduate school program without the support and understanding of her family and friends. Some things to consider before starting include childcare, work obligations, financial aid or funding, home life responsibilities, coursework responsibilities and scheduling. A successful student discusses her needs with family and friends and ensures their support as she completes her program.

So this are the my views which I sharing with  You ..... 

Thank you .... 

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