Saturday 23 September 2017

Wordsworth's Preface To Lyrical Ballads



William Wordsworth

in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England, The United Kingdom 
April 07, 1770

April 23, 1850

Genre.                                                     POETRY

    William black,               SamuelTaylor Coleridge

William Wordsworth was a major English romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their 1798 joint publication, Lyrical Ballads.

Wordsworth's masterpiece is generally considered to be The Prelude, an autobiographical poem of his early years which the poet revised and expanded a number of times. The work was posthumously titled and published, prior to which it was generally known as the poem "to Coleridge". Wordsworth was England's Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850.

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Some topics(points)
Classicism and romanticism :-(Difference)
CLASSICISM AND ROMANTICISM are artistic movements that have influenced the literature, visual art, music, and architecture of the Western world over many centuries. With its origins in the ancient Greek and Roman societies, Classicism defines beauty as that which demonstrates balance and order. Romanticism developed in the 18th century — partially as a reaction against the ideals of Classicism — and expresses beauty through imagination and powerful emotions. Although the characteristics of these movements are frequently at odds, both schools of thought continued to influence Western art into the 21st century. The name "Classical" was given to the Greeks and Romans retroactively by RENAISSANCE writers. Artists and thinkers of the Renaissance, which literally means "rebirth," saw themselves as the heirs of that world following the Middle Ages. Its ideals continued to exert strong influence into the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries. In literature, Classicism values traditional forms and structures. According to legend, the Roman poets Virgil left orders for his masterpiece The Aeneid to be burned at his death, because a few of its lines were still metrically imperfect. This rather extreme example demonstrates the importance placed on excellence in formal execution. Such attention to detail can also be seen in the work of the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, whose Divine Comedy contains over 14,000 lines written in a strict rhyming pattern known as' terza rima'. Other characteristics of the movement include balance, order, and emotional restraint. DEFINATION CLASSICISM  Believed that reason is the dominating characteristic of both nature and human nature and both are governed by fixed unchanging laws.  A Correctness of language,and style of unique,site,civilized class of people. UPHELD TRADITION RESISTED CHANGES HUMAN LIMITATION REASON FOR IMAGINATION SOCIAL OVER PERSONAL COMMON OVER INDIVIDUAL ALL EMPHASISED BY ROMANTICISMi ROMANTICISM  EMPHASISED THE EMOTIONS, AN INDIVIDUAL INTUTION.  ROMATIC FROM' ROMANCE'.  A MEDIEVAL TALE OF POEM TREATING HEROIC PERSONAGES OR EVENTS  WRITTEN IN ONE OF THE ROMANCE LANGUAGE. 1800-1830 IMAGINATION GIVES EXPRESSION TO THAT WHICH MARK EACH PERSON’S UNIQUE BEING. ALL ART IS THE IMAGINATION EXPRESSION OF THE INNER ESSENCE OF THE INDIVIDUAL CLAIM FOR INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM. DEVELOPMENT OF A SENCE OF AWE AND MYSTERY . COMPARISON (DEFRANTIATE) ROMANTICISM CLASSICISM. IMAGINATION AGE OF REASON INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM REASON SOCIAL (SOCIETY). INTUITION COMMON COMMON SENSE. NATURE'S MYSTERY TRADITION RATIONAL LAW OF NATURE

Summing up:

 IN SUM UP ALL POINTS WERE SUMMARIZED WORDSWORTH’S VIEW’S IN PREFACE TO THE LYRICAL BALLADS(1798)  ZENITH(MOST IMPORTANT PERIOD OF ROMANTIC POETRY)  WORDSWORTH AND COLERIDGE(SENIOR ROMANTIC POETS)  SHELLY AND KEATS (YOUNGER ROMANTICPOETS)  FRENCH REVOLUTION(1789-1799) Daffodils' is a best example of Wordsworth's simple poetry style. He has written this poem with more imagination of his own time. By this poem he has told what is poetry. He has defined spontanity and tranquility by this poem. He has observed nature a lot in first three stanza being a cloud that is spontanity and at last he expressed these all experiences in last stanza that is tranquility. So Wordsworth has given a definition of poetry by this poem. The below poem will help us to understand Wordsworth’s poetic creed. “I wandered lonely as a cloud” according to him poem is “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility”. In this poem he describes the beauty of the daffodils He has seen. That gives him pleasure and peace of mind. From the past He comes back to the present and says that whenever he is in passive mood, the sight of the daffodils feels his heart with joy. Daffodils' by wordsworth is perfect example of poetry. this poem has four stanzas and out of four stanzas three stanzas are written in past tense. for eg. "I wandered lonely as a cloud" While final stanza written in present tense. for eg. "for oft when on my couch i lie". that takes it into the present. when we imagine a poet lie on a couch, he recollects the memory of daffodils. which is captured by his inward eyes. When we look at the stanza we find that it would be the better exercise of language and grammar. "my heart with pleasure fills and dances with daffodils" at this time tranquility is vanished. and that spontaneous ovwerflow feeling makes reentry. this poem exactly follows the definition of poetry given by wordsworth.

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