Sunday 21 January 2018

Structuralism and literary Criticism....


First of all i would like to say that what is structuralism......

Structuralism is a method of interpretation and analysis of every aspect of human behavior and culture. In literature, we have also the method of Structuralism to interpret the text with various perspectives.Structuralism is related with the structure of the novel, video, serial, etc. But main thing is that we must have to focus on the structure.

Structuralist critics like, Gerard Genette, Ferdinand Saussure, Roland Barthers, Claude Lavi-Strauss contributed the field of structuralism. Ferdinand Saussurs's three terms:


Langue and


2. Sign = Signifier + Signified ( Signified)

Everything has its own structure, the same applied in literature and in language. In language we found “S+V+O”. Literature follows the same structure as human life, birth, old age and death, in literature we found the same thing but in different way the beginning, the middle/climax and the end or resolution.

They say that word has not meaning at all, the meanings are generated by context, in which it is used.  structuralist believes that we assumes the meaning by convention. Convention depends upon the occurrence of the word, like Hindi words BABAJI KATHULLU, and recently the word MAUKA which are repeatedly used now days.

Frequency:- the dialogue A…villain is repeatedly used in the movie, though it was just spoken only one time by heroin, it gives her remembrance to him..

Duration :- the narrator takes us two years back in past , 

Voice:- narrator is unknown, even he is not character I the story

Mood :- the narrator is compassionate with the pain of hero.

I am trying to see three structures as a structuralist critic:-

1.) Revenge
2.) Detective
3.) Quest

Many movies or literature have the same structure of Revenge tragedy.

For example:-

1.) ‘Eega’ or ‘Makkhi’ (2012) directed by S.S Rajamouliand J.V.V.Sathyanarayana.

Nani loves Bindu but is killed by a jealous Sudeep, who lusts after Bindu. Nani is reincarnated as a fly and decides to avenge his death. He teams up with Bindu to make Sudeep's life a living hell.


he above movies are some examples having the same structure of Revenge only the presentation of the director differs. There are many Bollywood movies have the same structure like ‘Haider’, ‘Zanjeer’, ‘Ghajini’, ‘Karz’ etc.Many  T.V series also have the same structure of detective series. For example:- ‘CID’ and ‘Crime Patrol’.  Structure is same for example murder occurs, detection and murderer found by detective. This structure is same in every episode they just do changes in representing the events. Same structure is also found in many Movies also like ‘Drishyam’.
 In many literary texts also we find the similar structure.

For Example:

‘Doctor Faustus’ by Christopher Marlowe and‘Frankenstein’ by Marry Shelley. In both the text  we see that the central character is in Quest of knowledge which ultimately leads them to their downfall. Same structure is also found in the  Greek mythology of , ‘Icarus’.

Story of Icarus....... 

In Greek mythology, Icarus succeeded in flying, with wings made by his father Daedalus, using feathers secured with bees wax. Ignoring his father's warnings, Icarus chose to fly too close to the sun, melting the wax, and fell into the sea and drowned.

For example, every literary text has a Beginning, Middle (Climax) and End.

Movie like P.K. RANGRASIA, OH MY GOD has a same structure-anti-religion or challenges this ideas. If we take structuralist approach then OMG IS better than PK Structure of both is same

For example T.V. serial CID helps us to understand NARRATOLOGY Structure is same for example murder occurs, detection and murderer found by detective. This structure is same in every episode since 17 years. But they make changes in presenting it
Most of Hindi movies or literature are same For example, boy + girl love is not against it or vice versa family but children do not like each other
We also find binary opposition every where Good-evil, male-female, god-Satan, white-black
This and other common items are found everywhere This is the few examples.

Here is the poems which we refer two in today's lecture ...

First poem is

Fire and Ice


Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice,
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Second is ....

My love is like to ice, and I to fire:
How comes it then that this her cold so great
Is not dissolved through my so hot desire,
But harder grows the more I her entreat?
Or how comes it that my exceeding heat
Is not allayed by her heart-frozen cold,
But that I burn much more in boiling sweat,
And feel my flames augmented manifold?
What more miraculous thing may be told,
That fire, which all things melts, should harden ice,
And ice, which is congeal'd with senseless cold,
Should kindle fire by wonderful device?
Such is the power of love in gentle mind,
That it can alter all the course of kind.

Edmund Spenser


In poem first ....Desire and hate, believed by some to be the two largest faults of the human race. Robert Frost explains these two ideas in only nine lines. “Fire and Ice” is a perfect example of juxtaposition between fire and ice, or, desire and hate. Both are believed to destroy a person if they succumb to its hold.In Robert Frost’s Fire and Ice, Robert Frost uses symbolism, rhyming, enjambment, and line length to illustrate his thoughts concerning the dominance of desire versus hate.

Frost utilizes symbols within each line to convey his musing on the opposing ideas of desire versus hate. Desire is symbolized by fire whereas hate is symbolized by ice.

Second one is shows the possibilities between fire and ice. Poem represents the desire and hate. We can also see the paradox between the fire and ice, and the for destruction both are the sufficient.

So ,here is my ans .....

Thanks for visite ....

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