Sunday 21 January 2018


what do you know about Hamartia?

Hamartia is a personal error in a protagonist’s personality that brings about his tragic downfall in a tragedy. This defect in a hero’s personality is also known as a “tragic flaw.

Aristotle used the word in his “Poetics” where it is taken as a mistake or error in judgment. The term envelops wrongdoings which may be accidental or deliberate. One of the classic examples of hamartia is where a hero wants to achieve something but, while doing so, he commits an intentional or accidental error and he ends up achieving exactly the opposite with disastrous results. Such a downfall is often marked by a reversal of fortune.

Hamartia and Hubris

A typical example of hamartia in tragedies is “hubris” which is excessive pride and ego in a hero’s character which ultimately brings his tragic downfall in a tragedy. In Greek tragedies, the “hubristic” actions of a hero, in a powerful position, causes his shame and humiliation.

Examples of Hamartia in Literature

Example no.1

Hamlet’s tragic flaw in Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet” determines his tragic downfall. Hamlet’s hamartia is his indecisiveness. He cannot make up his mind about the dilemmas he confronts. He reveals his state of mind in the following lines from Act 3 Scene 1 of the play:

“To be, or not to be–that is the question:

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep…”

He wants to kill his father’s murderer “Claudius” but ruined his life by delaying acting as he looks for proof to justify his action. In the process he spoils his relation with his mother and sends “Ophelia” into such a state of depression that she commits suicide. This indecision got almost everyone killed at the end of the play. He killed “Claudius” by assuming fake madness because of his indecisiveness in action so that he will not be asked for any justification.

Example no.2

Among the hamartia examples in literature, one of the best can be found in Marlowe’s “Doctor Faustus”. The tragic flaw of Faustus was his ambitious nature. Despite being a respected scholar, he sold his soul to “Lucifer” by signing a contract with his blood for achieving ultimate power and limitless pleasure in this world. He learns the art of black magic and defies Christianity. We see a tragic conflict where Faustus thinks about repenting but it is all too late. Finally, the devils takes his soul away to Hell and he is suffers eternal damnation because of his over-ambition.

Example no.3

“Victor” in Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein” is another character whose down fall is caused by a tragic error. His “hubris” or extreme pride and arrogance decide his fate in the narrative. He strives to become an unparalleled scientist and creates a “monster” which ultimately becomes the cause of his disaster.

Function of Hamartia

Hamartia imparts the sense of pity and fear in the audience of the readers. The audience or the readers identify with the tragic hero as, like them, his character is a mixture of good and bad qualities. They feel pity for the reversal of fortune that he undergoes. This arouses a feeling of pity in them. Similarly, by witnessing a tragic hero suffer due to his own flaw, the audience or the readers may fear the same fate may befall them if they indulge in similar kinds of action.

Therefore, hamartia may be employed for a moral purpose to encourage people to improve their characters by removing the flaws that can cause a tragedy in their lives

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