Monday 22 October 2018

Ted Hughes poem's- 'The thought fox' and 'A woman unconscious'.

Biography of Ted Hughes
Ted is a modern poet and is consistently described as one of the twentieth century’s greatest English poets. Born August 17th, 1930 in Mytholmroyd, Yorkshire, his family moved to Mexborough when he was seven to run a newspaper and tobacco shop. His parent took a news agent shop. He attended Me borough grammar school, and wrote his first poems from the age of fifteen, some of which made their way into the school magazine. Before beginning English studies at Cambridge University (having won a scholarship in 1948), he spent much of his National service time reading and rereading all of Shakespeare. According to report, he could recite it all by heart.  Ted is also animatic poet and he also wrote about to human qualities in animal character in poem. At Cambridge, he ‘spent most. Time reading folklore and Yeats’s poems,' and switched from English to Archaeology and Anthropology in his third year. A strong indirect source of interest in the person of Hughes (aside from his poetry) is his seven-year marriage to the well-known American Poet, Sylvia Plath. Birthday Letters is a sequence of lyrics written by Hughes in the first year of their marriage, cast as a continued conversation with that Ted Hughes has disappoint to his wife and also wrote to ‘love song’, ‘A woman unconscious’, ‘The thought fox’, ‘The crow’s falls’ etc. so now first analysis to the poem ‘The thought fox’.
The thought fox
I imagine this midnight moment’s forest:
Something else is alive
Beside the clock’s loneliness
And this blank page where my fingers move.
Through the window I see no star:
Something more near
Though deeper within darkness
Is entering the loneliness:
Cold, delicately as the dark snow,
A fox’s nose touches twig, leaf;
Two eyes serve a movement, that now
And again now, and now, and now
Sets neat prints into the snow
Between trees, and warily a lame
Shadow lags by stump and in hollow
Of a body that is bold to come
Across clearings, an eye,
A widening deepening greenness,
Brilliantly, concentratedly,
Coming about its own business
Till, with a sudden sharp hot stink of fox
It enters the dark hole of the head.
The window is starless still; the clock ticks,
The page is printed.
  The poem ‘The thought fox’ tells about  poet willingness to wrote a poem on fox . In this poem Hughes say that to human qualities of animal images vivid visual to poem. The poet selects a particular  situation in which he sits down to write  a poem. The poet was sitting at window of  his house at late  night and he held  paper and pen with the intention of writing  the poem on the fox. The poet looks out and finds total darkness outsides. In the loneliness of the night the poet hears the tick -tick of the clock. The poet find the snow covered land outside and at a distance the jungle area brings. The poet visualises the fox then takes a round on the land and its foot steps are printed in the snow covered land. The fox then disappears in the darkness but the poet says that the fox entered into the dark hole of his head. The poet then writes down the poem on fox.
 In the poem ‘The thought fox’ poet has used the coined word in poem. The poet images that he visualised the fox. In the first line the words midnight and moment refer to the alliteration. The words clock, page, loneliness, snow refer to the verbal repetition. The phrase ‘the  clocks loneliness’ is the example of  the translated metaphor. The poet has introduced the visual image in the reference of the fox rubbing its nose with  the twinge. The phrase  use to ‘and’ and ‘ now’ refers to the structure  repetition.  The poet has used many adjective words thought out the text. They are blank, deeper, cold, dark, bold, sudden, sharp, hot, starless etc. These words form out lexical category at grammar level. The words form ‘tick’  refers to the device of onomatopoeia. Thought out  the text the poet has projected the interplay and overlapping of the real and imaginative. In this poem also Hughes narrated to images to fox in unconscious mind. And he has also personified to animal image and his human qualities to fox in repetition to many words.
   So that in poem  Hughes also narrated and image to animal in his poem.  Hughes has  thought to fox image in this poem.

A woman unconscious  
Russia and America circle each other;
Threats nudge an act that were without doubt
A melting of the mould in the mother,
Stones melting about the root.
The quick of the earth burned out:
The toil of all our ages a loss
With leaf and insect.  Yet flitting thought
(Not to be thought ridiculous)
Shies from the world-cancelling black
Of its playing shadow: it has learned
That there's no trusting (trusting to luck)
Dates when the world's due to be burned;
That the future's no calamitous change
But a malingering of now,
Histories, towns, faces that no
Malice or accident much derange.
And though bomb be matched against bomb,
Though all mankind wince out and nothing endure --
Earth gone in an instant flare --
Did a lesser death come 
Onto the white hospital bed
Where one, numb beyond her last of sense,
Closed her eyes on the world's evidence
And into pillows sunk her head.
  The poem ‘A woman unconscious’ by Ted Hughes is a poem which tells about the disappointment like Sylvia Plath’s poem ‘mad girls love song’ he is an anguished expression of broken idealism of the true love the unreciprocated love, and it may be in this poem ‘woman unconscious’ Plath expresses unfairness of existence how something could be destroyed with the blink of an eye and how any perfect feeling that enters your life is so brief and frail that you struggle to believe in it. Ted Hughes woman unconscious a poem about disappointment expresses the poet. When he feels that his marriage is on edge of breaking that the marriage is going up in a smoke. In this  poem Ted Hughes personal feeling and describes  that nothing could have been done for their marriage because ‘it was doomed to fall apart’. He decries his wife on to the hospital bed being ‘beyond her last sense’. This poem seems to be address to Sylvia at the moment . she was  to express to frustration that cause on her to know that between relationship is breaking. The poet anguishing tone response to his feeling and it may in poem his wife sanity would disappear.
              In this poem, one reference to ‘bombs will end falling over the earth and nobody will survive’ this line to be two vision are  previous world. And also example to so called cold war. At  the threat of a new clear bomb, and the threat of was present every day. The poet ends the poem with a beautiful image that beautiful image that represent perfectly the situation that represent perfectly the situation that mankind is leaving in which a woman may be as a representation of fertility, the mother possibility of waiting.

 So that in this two poem in  my ideas and my perspective to my ideas and we can see that to be real world and own between views to my ideas. And Ted Hughes use to personification, repetition, simile and also use by to adjective and natural feeling example to this two poem. Thus that in this two poem in my ideas and example to Hughes poem in animal  qualities and  feminist ideology to this two poem.

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