Monday 10 September 2018

Midnight's Cildren ... post_colonial film ...

On 9 September 2018, we had a movie screening of "Midnight's children" and "The Reluctant Fundamentalist" at the Department of English, MKBU. So, this blog is a review of two movies from the post-colonial perspective, as a part of academic activity.

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#Post-Colonial studies
#1947- Independence of India

'Midnight's children' is a novel written by British-Indian Novelist Salman Rushdie and filmed by Deepa Mehta. The film was very popular in foreign countries and well criticized in India also. The film didn't cover up all the things written deeply in the novel due to time period of the movie so it's looks like the collage of many things like history, culture, Colonialism. freedom movement, etc. 

The story of the film begun with the year of 1917, the birth year of Indira Gandhi and end with the emergency or we can say that the last stage of Indira Gandhi's Life. So, some may have question that why the protagonist of the film narrated the the history before the thirty years when he was not in her mother's womb? Well, I don't know why Rushdie connected Indira Gandhi's era throughout the film, we must read the novel to understand the connection. The story about the Children who were born in the stroke of the midnight 15th august 1947 with the magical power, in which two major character like Saleem Sinai, the protagonist belong to reach family while the Shiva who was born in poor family later joined the Army and fought in the battle with Pakistan to free Bangladesh. The main idea of hybridity in culture and identity we can see in the movie, as per the quote 'Let reach to be poor and poor to be reach' Saleem, actually, the son of British man William Methwold and poor Marathian lady and the Shiva was the son of Ahemad Sinai and Amina, but, Mary, a nurse in the hospital changed these both baby boy with each other because her lover was a Marxist and pursued mary to protest against elite class. Furthemore, Saleem went to pakistan and Shiva Joined Indian Army, so here we can see the partition of India and pakistan. later on, After the war, Saleem came to India, his mother land and marry with Parvati, beloved of Shiva and she gave birth to baby boy who was the son of shiva so, we again see the hybridity. And also we can see the culture of India like snake Charmer. SO, this way movie ended through various perspectives.

Here, also the good use of background music which symbolize many thing, the nose of Ghani family also a symbol. The narrative techniques also used in very good way to understand the story. And also a camera focus was excellent, while the Tajmahal scene came that time camera focused more on the poor conditioned house rather than Tajmahal. So, here film tried to show the real India through camera technique.

#Postcolonial views:

Review of Midnight's Children by Deepa Mehta

Deepa Mehta has presented very clear image of the Novel Midnight's Children which was written by Salman Rushdie in her film. She has exposed the cruelty of society.

Two children born at Midnight

There is very significant incident after the colonisation of Britishers, at first night before Independent At 12 Two children born. Both get totally different treatment as because there was exchange of both these kids.

Rich becomes poor and poor becomes rich

There was one man Joseph D'Costa who comes with the idea that let the rich becomes poor and poor becomes rich, lets have changed the fortune of kids who born at midnight". He entered into the hospital with his revolutionary idea and tell to the nurse Mary Perara about his thought. Mary first refuses to do so. But later on she herself exchanged the baby.

Two conflicting characters

Saleem sinnai who is actually the son of poor street singer Vanita and landlord Methwold, exchanged with Shiva who is the son of Amina and Ahmed, the rich parentage. But unfortunately grown up with poverty under the care of Wee Willie Winkie, the husband of Vanita. In this way two main characters grown up with totally different environment. Saleem at one hand very obedient and peace lover man, Shiva on the other hand loves violence. They remain enemy till the end of the film.

Merging of religion

As Shiva who is actually the son of Muslim parents, got Hindu name and grown up with Hindu culture. Saleem who is actually Hindu but grown up with Muslim Ideology. This shows merging of religion. It also shows that we are not born as Hindu or Muslim, we just born as Human but society makes us or categorized us in different religion.

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