Monday 10 September 2018

reluctant fundamentalist ....... post...colonial film

The Reluctant Fundamentalist was directed by Mira Nair and was based on Mohsin Hamid's novel. Riz Ahmed playing the lead role and has given justice to his character by presenting himself in real way. There was not lots of melodrama which only makes plot complicated. Each and everything seems real to life without any type of artificiality which we find in similar Bollywood masala sequel "New York"
There was one checking scene at Airport in Reluctant Fundamentalist which happen as usually, not showing to much melodramatic elements in it. But On the other hand when we look at John Abraham performing this scene with high emotions. This was the technique of director who can add realistic as well as over emotional scene to attract audience. As now a days audience becomes so much indifferent that simple actions doesn't affect them and they need high emotions to feel the situation or the condition to which the character is passing through.

Frame Story

The Reluctant Fundamentalist used frame narrative technique, story within story. The main story was told by Changez Khan to journalist Bobby of his life and one story was also revolving around them. While narrating his story there were many incidents happening outside. In this way we can call it frame story.

The Reluctant Fundamentalist a novel written by Pakistani Writer Mohsin Hamid and then adopted in film directed by Mira Nair in 2014. The story is about the young man Changez Khan who attracted to American Business culture. He was an intellectual and respected person in American wall street business company. 

The Story Begun with the interview of American CIA agent Bobby Lincoln for the abduction of American Professor in Pakistan. Bob was Taking interview of Changez Khan in the Coffee cafe in Lahor that he may be involved in this abduction or in the matter of 9/11. Here Mira Nair interestingly used the flashback technique which was move us from Pakistan to America in eye opening way. The title of the movie give us two different views one is that fundamentalist in terrorism and other business fundamentalist.

The film started with the interview of Changez Khan By Bobby in which Changez Khan narrated his story about the his life in America. The hero of the novel was very young, intellectual, businessman and highly reputed. There he was living a good life with his beloved Erica, a very good artist in photography. But suddenly all the things changed with Changez after the attack on WTC tower. All people look towards him like he is terrorist, he insulted by FBI and many American fellows and abused him. Once, he loved America like his native land but after abusing and insulted her sincerity he came back to Pakistan as University professor.

Furthermore, Bobby blamed that he is teaching terrorism in the university and has connection with Fazil a Muslim activist and Mujahid but that was not truth, without any kind of proof Bobby blamed him therefore his hatred towards America was increased but he don't believe in any kind of avenge. He lost his innocent fellow by the fire of American Agent then CIA agents realized that they made mistake and killed innocent man. But at the end of the movie Changez wants to freedom from Mujahid and America's business culture and he wants to love peaceful life.

The movie also used very good narrative technique like flashback technique to make movie very interesting, and also used very good camera focus when we see the scene of attack on WTC tower when camera on the face of Changez rather on live telecast, to know the expression of Changez towards it. Also a very good meaningful background musics are there to convey the nonverbal ideas like, In the kidnapping of the white professor Rainier there was a loud Sufi Music, and in the meeting of Changez and Erica, where Changez tries to convince Erica to forget everything, the lyrics of background songs matches very well, "I want you to be..". When Changez was upset with the way he was treated in America and When he came back he had an arguments with his parents, and the background songs was "You say things to burn the heart, yet I must Smile." So, we can say that it is very intellectual movie thoroughly.

Changez Khan spoke very relevant line:-
"Nazre Dhokha Kha sakti hai" 

This is what postcolonial study is reflecting. To look at things and to believe is not an easy task. One must have to see the gaps in literature, in history. There must be retailing of past so that some minor things which are not taken into consideration should get reflected. We have to look at minor narratives rather than meta narrative in understanding the things in better way. 
 In this film also Bobby suspects Changez and believes in what he saw without thinking. He suspects him as giving order to kill his companion through text message.  But when he knows the truth, he feels so much guilty about it.And in revenge he also accidentally kills the student of Changez Khan. Then he remembers the first lines told by Changez khan that "Nazre Dhokha Kha sakti hai" and feels that how true Changez khan is speaking.

9/11 attacks

Reaction Of Changez Khan when Twin Towers  are falling down 

When Changez Khan first heard the news about the blast at Twin towers he becomes shocked. But later on there was a smile in his face. This is only because of the treatment of foreigners with him. He was treated very badly and was suspected at each and every place.

He compares this situation with the blast and attacks at Baghdad when so many innocent are died. Very artistically he present his thought and reaction in front of Bobby about the blast at Twins Tower.
He says that he obviously not feels good as you are also not feeling good when innocent are dying at Baghdad attacks. Satirical he presents his happiness or satisfaction about that incident.

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